People have many different opinions and views that concern the issue of Antarctic Tourism. Some view it as a negative, and some view it as positive but tourism has both it's ups and downs.
Ships started visiting Antarctica in the 1950s. An Argentinian vessel which carried a hundred passengers was the first ship to go visit Antarctica. Most cruise ships that go to Antarctica are coordinated and don't get to stay very long. people that do get to visit it, describe it as a jem hidden in the rough.
Antarctic wildlife is fascinating. The scientist took an interest in them and made documentries, so whats wrong if people want to see them with their own eyes? The Antarctic wildlife has proven to be one of the most amazing creatures because of the climate they can survive in and the way they live their lives. Why shouldn't people be allowed to see them?
In addition to this, the scientist believe that tourists would pollute and destroy the enviroment. However tour operators argue that this could be avoided if tourists were monitered and more laws were estabilished.
However if tourists and tour operators came to Antarctica, will they all follow the rules? Mst people like the danger that Antarctica brings and go to look for it. It is scientifically proven that humans are curious creatures and if they sense danger, people will run to it, not away.
In Antarctica, there is no hospitalities available to the tourists. Do people honestly believe its viable to buil these hotels and such? If men go to Antarctica to build these buildings for people to stay in, it won't be an easy task. It would be hard to work in the cloths and the weather that you would have deal with.
Some people say that with steady laws and more monitoring system we would be able to allow tourists into Antarctica. However the danger is to high and people could get hurt. Sometimes when your having fun people get reckless. What if people get reckless in Antarctica? That could lead to serious issues.
To conclude this I strongly believe that people should not be allowed to go to Antarctica because there are too much risk. How would you feel if someone in your family went to Antarctica and got hurt?
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