Recyciling is when you put pieces of glass paper or plastic into a recyciling bin. People do that so land fills don' t get all filled up and start to rot.The recyciling sign shows you and lets you know what you can put in a recyciling bin and what you can't.
Vege skins and fruit skins help gardens, when you feed the vege and fruit skins to the worms( this an example).The worms turn the skin into a nice rich soil. The only skins you are NOT allowed to put into a compost bin is kiwi fruit, banana, and orange skin. rich soil helps better than plain old dirt.
Recyciling helps the enviroment from pollution. If pollution spreadit would kill all the plants and that would be bad because we need plants to survive. By recyciling we reuse glass, plastic, and paper and we never waste any reusable products.
Recyciling also helps by turning plastic into matarial for us to wear. For example milk bottles can be turned into cloths that keep us warm like scarfs, jackets and pants. Other plastics can be turned into all types of clothes.
People recycle so they can get new clothes, save the enviroment, gardens stay nice and freash and so we don't throw out any reusable items