Saturday, October 22, 2011

Camp Recount

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Camp 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

July the second was the best day of my life not only because it was my birthday but also because it was the day me and my friend went parachuting. My mum and dad got the parachutes and the parachuting gear on a discount because they work in the army.

Mum and dad said I could invite one friend to go with me and I picked my best friend Hannah.S

we were in rolleston putting on the gear to go parachuting . The parachutes were really heavy but we could lift them. Hannah and I were a bit scared but I told Hannah that we would be alright.

We arrived in Burnham Army Camp, we parked our car and headed over to were the helicopter was. When we hoped in the helicopter it started flying up and up and up till we were higher than the clouds.

Being on the helicopter was kind of scary but we didn't really care I was just happy that my mum and dad would do this for me. Maka my brother was kind of a show off when he back flipped of the plane and started singing "I am the champion I am the champion" at that point I sto
pped paying attention to him and told Hannah that we had to jump together seaming we were both newbies at it.

We jumped and we fell we fell we fell and we fell until we pulled the parachute after that point we started gliding down. I sucked at my landing and broke my leg but I didn't care I was just happy that Hannah was ok

Monday, July 18, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pop Art - Warhol


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why People Recycle

Recyciling is when you put pieces of glass paper or plastic into a recyciling bin. People do that so land fills don' t get all filled up and start to rot.The recyciling sign shows you and lets you know what you can put in a recyciling bin and what you can't.

Vege skins and fruit skins help gardens, when you feed the vege and fruit skins to the worms( this an example).The worms turn the skin into a nice rich soil. The only skins you are NOT allowed to put into a compost bin is kiwi fruit, banana, and orange skin. rich soil helps better than plain old dirt.

Recyciling helps the enviroment from pollution. If pollution spreadit would kill all the plants and that would be bad because we need plants to survive. By recyciling we reuse glass, plastic, and paper and we never waste any reusable products.

Recyciling also helps by turning plastic into matarial for us to wear. For example milk bottles can be turned into cloths that keep us warm like scarfs, jackets and pants. Other plastics can be turned into all types of clothes.

People recycle so they can get new clothes, save the enviroment, gardens stay nice and freash and so we don't throw out any reusable items

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

sea sick

summer was hot it was boiling hot !.I was so bored at home by myself.I rang Shannah and Hannah too see if they wanted to go to America with me ,to go on this cool new ride called the sea monster it had just opened
i could just afford it with the money I had and some left over.

we arrived in the air port . After we talk first class to America, when we got there we went straight to the merry fum park to go on to the roller coaster.When we got there it sounded scary because we heard people screaming and even hugging complete strangers but nothing can stop us.

20 minutes later we were on,it was scarier than it looked.We were all frightened especially this 1 guy who wet his pants.We started laughing which took our mind off the roller coaster.After the roller coaster we had lunch went back to New Zealand /Burnham/Rollerstone and went to sleep. because by time we got home we were tired out and fell back asleep.

but i thought to my self "I'm not doing that again!".

Monday, April 11, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

sparkle post

1)my goal is to end sentences with a full stop
2)my goal is to know my division facts